Dr. Sophie Bergeron

Dr. Sophie Bergeron
Department of Psychology
Université de Montréal
About Dr. Bergeron:
Dr. Sophie Bergeron is a tenured Full Professor in the Department of Psychology at Université de Montréal and a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Intimate Relationships and Sexual Well-being. Dr. Bergeron’s research focuses on psychosocial risk and protective factors underlying individuals’ and couples’ sexual wellbeing, using dyadic daily diary, longitudinal, and observational methods. Dr. Bergeron has also developed empirically-validated group and couple cognitive-behavioral interventions for women with vulvodynia and their partners. Dr. Bergeron and Dr. Bouchard currently collaborate on research related to cognitive-behavioural couple therapy for sexual interest/arousal disorder.
Dr. Melanie Atlas

Dr. Melanie Altas
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University of British Columbia
About Dr. Altas:
Dr. Melanie Altas is gynaecologist and Associate Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is the Director of the BC Centre for Vulvar Health and a Sexual Medicine Consultant at the BC Cancer Agency. Dr. Altas’ current clinical practice is dedicated to vulvovaginal conditions, genital pain disorders, and menopause. Aligned with her professional mission to promote patient-centered care, Dr. Altas is testing a primary care toolkit to help family physicians diagnose and manage vulvodynia in the community. Dr. Altas and Dr. Bouchard currently collaborate on research related to vulvodynia and vulvar lichen sclerosus.
Dr. Samantha Dawson

Dr. Samantha Dawson
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of British Columbia
About Dr. Dawson:
Dr. Samantha Dawson is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the clinical psychology program at the University of British Columbia and a Michael Smith for Health Research BC Scholar. Dr. Dawson’s research program focuses on identifying mechanisms contributing to sexual function and sexual wellbeing in individuals and couples, with the goal of using these mechanisms to develop targeted interventions for sexual dysfunction. Dr. Dawson and Dr. Bouchard co-supervise a graduate student, Kiarah O’Kane, and collaborate on several research projects, including ones that focus on emotion regulation and couples’ sexual wellbeing as well as the sexual health implications of persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD) and vulvar lichen sclerosus.
Dr. Ulrike Dehaeck

Dr. Ulrike Dehaeck
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University of British Columbia
About Dr. Dehaeck:
Dr. Ulrike Dehaeck is gynaecologist at the BC Centre for Vulvar Health and a Clinical Assistant Professor in the UBC Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease. Dr. Dehaeck’s clinical interests center on chronic, benign, and pre-malignant conditions of the vulva. Dr. Dehaeck and Dr. Bouchard currently collaborate on research related to vulvar lichen sclerosus.
Dr. Caroline Pukall

Dr. Caroline Pukall
Department of Psychology
Queen’s University
About Dr. Pukall:
Dr. Caroline Pukall is a tenured Full Professor in the Department of Psychology at Queen’s University and a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Sexual Health. Dr. Pukall’s research focuses on genito-pelvic pain, sexual difficulties, and questionnaire development. Dr. Pukall uses multiple methods in her research, including brain imaging, psychophysics, psychophysiology, blood flow imaging, and self-report measures, to investigate different facets of sexual health. Dr. Pukall and Dr. Bouchard collaborate on research related to the assessment of women’s sexual response using laser Doppler technology.
Dr. Natalie Rosen

Dr. Natalie Rosen
Departments of Psychology & Neuroscience and Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dalhousie University
About Dr. Rosen:
Dr. Natalie Rosen is a tenured Full Professor jointly appointed to the Departments of Psychology & Neuroscience and Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Dalhousie University. Dr. Rosen’s research interests focus on understanding how couples cope with sexual problems or changes to their sexual relationship. Dr. Rosen’s goal is to identify novel predictors of adjustment to sexual problems in the context of couples’ daily lives as well as over time, as well as to develop targeted interventions to improve couples’ sexual and relationship well-being. Dr. Rosen and Dr. Bouchard collaborate on research related to cognitive-behavioural couple therapy for sexual interest/arousal disorder and other research related to couples’ sexual health and wellbeing.